Mumonkan - Case 12: Zuigan Calls His Own Master Zuigan called out to himself every day: "Master." Then he answered himself: "Yes, sir." And after that he added: "Become sober." [ Awake. ] Again he answered: "Yes, sir." He continued: "And after that, do not be deceived by others." He answered: "Yes, sir; yes, sir." Mumon's Comment: Old Zuigan sells out and buys himself. He is opening a puppet show. He uses one mask to call `Master' and another that answers the master. Another mask says `Sober up' and another, `Don't be cheated by others.' If anyone clings to any of his masks, he is mistaken, yet if he imitates Zuigan, he will make himself fox-like. Some Zen students do not realize the true man in a mask Because they recognize ego-soul. Ego-soul is the seed of birth and death, And foolish people call it the true man. [ true man = true self ]